External Advisory Board SMITH

International Expertise in SMITH

A close-up of a billboard at the SMITH Congress 2022. In the background, people are chatting at bar tables.

The External Advisory Board, which consists of six members, supports the SMITH Consortium as advisors but also as auditors. The board ensures compliance with international standards, accompanies and questions project implementation. SMITH benefits from the interdisciplinary knowledge of the Advisory Board members, who are internationally active as renowned experts and scientists in medicine, IT, healthcare and the social sciences.

The External Advisory Board usually meets twice a year with the members of the consortium to discuss SMITH’s current developments, plans and fundamental strategic issues.

Porträtfoto von Professor Anne Moen

Prof. Anne Moen

Professor Department of Nursing Science
Director UiO:eColab

Porträtfofo von PhD Amnon Shabo

PhD Amnon Shabo

Health Informatics Specialist

Porträtfoto von Michael Strübin

Michael Strübin

EU Digital Health Expert

Smart & Digital, Brussels, Belgium