
MII-Academy | Online Learning Platform for Clinician Scientists

Learn how to use routine medical data for your research project!

The Medical Informatics Initiative and the associated establishment of Data Integration Centers at (university) hospitals are creating entirely new opportunities to use health care data for research purposes across disciplines and locations.

In the MII-Academy, researchers learn how to apply for, obtain and evaluate the available healthcare data for their research questions. The online learning platform covers both organizational and methodological aspects.

The online tutorials are intended for physicians and clinical researchers who are planning or have already started their own data use project.

The MII-Academy was developed during the first funding period (2018 – 2022) in the SMITH Consortium. Based on this experience, the learning platform has a modular structure, whereby the order and repetition of the work can be defined as desired.

The Data Integration Centers of the Medical Informatics Initiative offer local services for your research!

Find out how you can make optimum use of the available supply data for your research projects.

The MII-Academy tutorials are aimed at clinical researchers with their own data use project.

The learning and teaching units are divided into topic-specific modules.

The learning platform can be used anywhere and at any time.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us: info@mii-academy.de

MII-Academy Graphic © SMITH-Office
Eine lächelnde Ärztin mit dunklem Haar und Brille sitzt an einem Schreibtisch und macht am Laptop eine digitale Weiterbildung in der Medizininformatik.


Vier Medizininformatik-Studierende stehen in einem modernen Gang und schauen gemeinsam auf einen Skript.

Structure and Content

Ein Professor hält eine Vorlesung in der Medizininformatik

Information for Speakers

Flyer MII-Academy

Status: 09/2024


Leipzig University | Faculty of Medicine

LIFE Management Cluster
SMITH Office
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 27
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-16720