SMITH Jobrotation Program begins
For the exchange of research and care data between the participating university hospitals, the SMITH Consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative is building an innovative structure for cross-institutional networking. One goal here is to strengthen interdisciplinary research. To this end, the SMITH Consortium is offering rotational positions at the Jena site: four positions each over six months with 100 percent release time, or over twelve months with 50 percent release time.
The rotational positions offer the opportunity to work on interdisciplinary research projects in a medical informatics context. Ideally, clinically active employees will transfer to the Data Integration Center, while scientists from the field of medical informatics will be involved in clinical research projects close to the point of care. It is also possible for employees from operational IT to transfer to the Data Integration Center on a temporary basis and vice versa.
The program is aimed at individuals who are employed in the fields of IT/medical or life sciences .
If you are interested, please send us an application. This should include the following documents: a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, if applicable, and a letter of motivation (no more than 3 pages), which describes your research question and outlines a corresponding project.
Please indicate your desired time period for the rotation in your application.
The rotation program ends in December 2021. Applications in 2021 can be accepted up to six months before the end of the program.
Please send your application (preferably online) to:
Jena University Hospital
Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences (IMSID)
Prof. Dr. Cord Spreckelsen
Bachstraße 18 I 07743 Jena I Germany