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Medical research based on the reuse, aggregation, and analysis of medical data from multiple sources increasingly offers potential for the development of new or improved treatments, pharmaceuticals, and technologies. So far, processes and tools for the efficient processing and provision of data from clinical care have been lacking.
Smart Medical Technology for Healthcare – SMITH for short – is a research project funded by the Medical Informatics Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and focuses on the establishment and networking of data integration centers at the participating university medical sites with the aim of making clinical healthcare data usable for clinical research. The current 19 partners, including 10 university hospitals and other partners from research and industry, are thus taking decisive steps towards the long-term improvement of healthcare.
The SMITH Service Platform provides the stakeholders involved in the data utilization process with a central access point for cross-site functions and accompanies and manages the necessary processes from feasibility analysis to data utilization requests to data provision from the connected data integration centers. In the paper The SMITH Service Platform – Processes and Infrastructure for Secondary Data Use in the SMITH Consortium, the use cases and solutions of the SMITH Service Platform and the SMITH Marketplace application are presented. Thereby, the system architecture and concepts and interfaces based on international standards are explained using the use cases Feasibility Query and Data Use & Access. Finally, a perspective for further developments will be shown.
Marcel Klötgen
Research Associate
HealthCare Department
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST)
Emil-Figge-Straße 91
44227 Dortmund
Curriculum Vitae:
Marcel Klötgen is 37 years old and has been working as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST) since 2018. As project manager for SMITH, he is in charge of the development of the SMITH Marketplace and the interface design of the SMITH Service Platform. After studying medical informatics, he worked as a software developer and development manager in the field of intersectoral communication in healthcare.